Lacrosse Gear Guides
Each year we spend thousands of hours compiling the most comprehensive guide to the best lacrosse gear. The Lacrosse Gear Guide has something for everyone. For the player, it's the most complete place to see all the important gear from all the major brands. It's also often the first time many players see the gear that is soon to be released for the upcoming season. For the parent, it contains all the basics and terminology for each product category. For the coach, it is your one stop resource for recommending the most appropriate gear for any player looking for gear advice. We include a copy for free in almost all of the orders we ship. If you have multiple copies, please pass them on to others so they too can take advantage of what the guide has to offer. If you ever have any suggestions or corrections, please let us know. We want each year’s issue to get better and better. That is what we try to do with everything we do. We never stop at “good enough”, we always strive for bringing you even more.

Men’s 2020 Lacrosse Gear Guide!

Women’s 2020 Lacrosse Gear Guide!

Men’s 2019 Lacrosse Gear Guide

Women’s 2019 Lacrosse Gear Guide

Men’s 2018 Lacrosse Gear Guide